Submúltiplos del metro
Remix de La Maestra Natalia "Naty" Pizzolanti proyecto. I used a book, to allow different "steps" one on each page. Also, as is my habit, I created different versions of the same "step" using different pages as I find trying things multiple ways helps give me a feel for the problem and find they way (or ways) I want to present it. Page 1, has La Maestra Pizzolanti's original post. Page 2, is my first iteration using "enhanced text" which allows you to execute a script when the text is accepted (which happens when you click enter, tab or click somewhere else on the screen). I used this to show the next step which is to ask kids to "Test their Guess". Page 3, add's images and a cartoon look and feel which I find kids like (and I do too :)
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